

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday, rambling

She found her chairs. Big suckers too. Yesterday was long and hard and expensive. I do not like to shop. Each and every time I opened my mouth to complain I'd get, the look. I mentioned in my comments we had quite a bit of sticker shock. It's been years since we shopped for furniture. The prices were beyond silly. Still, after a quick left hook from Sweet Wife, I shut my mouth and obeyed like a good husband.

Later that evening she applied ice to my jaw and placed a gentle kiss to my boo-boo. She packs a hefty wallop for such a little lady. (Just wait until she reads this...)

The very expensive (and unnecessary) items of her delight shall be delivered next Saturday. This gives you, my dear friends, exactly six days to arrive and take away one free, and heavy, leather sofa.


Now, she speaks of hardwood floors.


As rain has been forecast for our neck of the woods I think it's time for a nice pot of chili. Rainy windy weather and chili are kissing cousins. It's a fit made in heaven. (Think about it.)

So, if you excuse me it's time for me to hit the shower, dress, and drive. I'm slap out of ground beef. I know, hard to believe, but it's true.

Think I need another box of crackers too.


(Post Script - she just arrived home from church. I mentioned the chili and she said yes but first I need a haircut. She's a demon with shears. Pray for me.)
